The first Congress of the Worker-communist Party of Iran-Hekmatist, 20th and 21st October 2006

 Resolution on:

The situation in Iran and the challenges facing the
Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist

1-      The inherent inability of the Islamic Republic in dealing with the political and economic issues facing the Iranian society coupled with deep seated and widespread resentment towards the regime is a constant source of political crises and the main causes of the continued political turmoil in Iran.

2-      Despite the failure of the communists to assume the leadership of the opposition to the regime following the demise of the so called reformist opposition, 2nd Khordad [1], and  the inability of the right wing opposition (pro-West conservatives, i.e. Monarchists, Constitutionalists, Republicans etc)  in leading a credible and militant opposition to the regime, combined with its deep political and ideological crises, an opportunity has presented itself to us and the working class to rebuild and lead the movement for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic from a communist and worker perspective.

3-      The efforts of the US to dominate the world under the “New World Order” and the “Pre-emptive Strike” strategies, and the prospect of US attack against Iran, which will have catastrophic consequences for the people of Iran and the entire region, has further complicated the whole situation for the working class, our party and the movement to overthrow the Islamic regime. The people of Iran and the working class in approaching this virulent situation need a determined, clearheaded and powerful guidance to steer them to victory.

4-      The first congress of the Worker-communist Party of Iran-Hekmatist is fully aware that for a political Party winning such an historic opportunity to assume the leadership of a movement for the second time in a political turmoil is rare. At the same time the congress is also aware of the enormous difficulties and the barriers facing the working class and our Party to fulfil this task. This is an opportunity for the working class and our Party to bring about freedom and the equality of human beings in enjoying the wealth of our society and turn the workers communism into a reality in our life time and shape the fate of the contemporary humanity in this direction.

5-      The congress is adamant that the most important and the most essential element for achieving victory under these circumstances is the existence of a mass, social and modern political Party capable of uniting, organising, leading and instilling confidence in the ranks of people and especially the working class to  lead this movement to victory.

6-      The first congress of the Worker-communist Party of Iran-Hekmatist draws the attention of all sections of the Party and its leadership to adopt and expand the ideas and concepts developed by Mansoor Hekmat under the “Party and the Society” and “Party and the Political Power”.

7-      In particular, The first congress calls on the Party for the urgent adoption of the followings:

i.                     The Party must become the leader of the struggles of the people and the working class. In this context it is imperative for the Party to move beyond operating as an agitation and propaganda machinery and operate as a means of uniting, organising and empowering people, the working class and their leaders. Therefore the Party’s presence and influence must be tantamount to a more organised opposition to the Islamic Republic and the increase in influence and expansion of the humanistic ideals of the working class’s communism.

ii.                   The basis of any Party policy, action and methods of work for us is the society. The Party leadership must emphatically endeavour to move the Party away from the politics, methods of work and the traditions of marginalised and un-social sectarian left. The Party’s publicity and organisational culture and traditions must be re-evaluated and overhauled immediately.

iii.                  The Party is adamant to assess and appraise its progress objectively and based on the degree of its influence in the society; its ability to put up a defence against the Islamic Republic and the reactionary forces in the country; and in the number of the progressive and libertarian people and especially the socialist and communist leaders of the workers joining its ranks.

iv.                 The congress re-emphasises the importance of placing the working class and in particular those in the key industries as the basis of its political and organisational influence. Our Party prior to anything else must become the Party of the communist leaders and agitators of the working class.     

v.                   The Party’s presence and influence in the society, and wherever prevalent, must be measured against the ability of the workers and the people in pushing back the regime’s oppression and the interference of the reactionary and ethnocentric forces and finally in the ability and the readiness of the people and workers in combating the forces of destruction and defending their livelihood and the society against the kinds of the future that the US, the political Islam and the political gangsters might bring about.

vi.                 The congress emphasises that the relationship between the Party and the political power should been seen at a social level. First and foremost this relationship must be measured against the change of the balance of power between the people and the working class versus  the Islamic Republic, the capitalists and the reactionaries. 

vii.                The Worker-communist Party of Iran-Hekmatist must utilise its power and the influence in Kurdistan as a means of expanding the Party’s influence and power in other parts of the country.

viii.               The Worker-communist Party-Hekmatist must overhaul all its organisational, political and methods of work in order to build a modern communist organisation. The Party leadership must undertake to accomplish the historic task of building a mass, social and political communist party. The leadership of the Hekmatist Party must, for the first time in the contemporary history, put a modern mass communist party before the workers of the world.

ix.                 The first congress while insists on full transparency at all levels and in adopting all the policies, rules and procedure and promoting openness and tolerance in dealing with different views and opinions in the party, it insists that the party should not tolerate any actions that undermines the collective will and the discipline in implementation of the ratified policies and decisions.


[1] The pro-regime opposition block led by the former President Khatami